Today, I uploaded a new video on YouTube that condenses all the research behind my math mystery comic book series, Newton’s Nemesis. It’s fast paced and 7-minutes long.
Every time I need to learn something (like my recent adventure changing a burnt out headlight in my car), I search for a video on YouTube. That gave me an idea! Why not create a video on that explains how use Newton’s Nemesis to teach fractions. But, after watching several long winded (but truly helpful) videos on changing a light bulb, I wanted to make sure my video covered things quickly. You can pause and rewind on things you find useful.
My headlight now works, and teachers have a new resource because of it!
Click Here to Watch

Fractions is basic but very important that if a student miss to learn this properly he may find it difficult in his later studies. Knowing how to add fractions is the foundation to learn fraction properly and to successfully learn advance fraction topic in higher grades.