The Mysterious I.D. Vide in Newton’s Nemesis can be used in many ways to launch lessons about fractions. This free download is a lesson outline that uses the engaging story to introduce conversations about fraction multiplication, scaling recipes, and more.
This lesson will help students explore:
- Understanding fractions ¾ as three one-fourths.
- How to scale a recipe by taking 1⁄3 of each ingredient.
- Understanding scaling as multiplication
- Learning from mistakes
- Extension: Use paper folding to understand equivalent fractions.
This will allow you to download all the files and the materials you’ll need to accompany The Mysterious I.D. Vide in Newton’s Nemesis, No. 2 [Sold separately]. Files included:
- Lesson Outline
- NN2 Entrance & Exit Tickets (Worksheet & Classroom Display)
- NN2 Why Did the Potion Explode (Worksheet & Classroom Display)
- NN2 Folding Fractions (Classroom Display)
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