
Comic Book Project Updates, Commentary

Error or Teachable Moment?

As I was preparing a workshop for the regional NCTM conference in Indianapolis on how to use my math comic books, I discovered an error. We reassure our students, “Making a mistake means we are learning,” and yet, I struggle with internalizing such a positive outlook when my stomach churns and my imposter syndrome flares. Imagine my horror when I opened the graphic novel and realized an error snuck its way into a drawing! The math was wrong.


Summer Math Camp – A Learning Success

Last week, I joined the team at the Columbus Regional Math Collaborative to host a summer math camp to help children study fractions after a year of virtual learning. It was filled with active learning, comic book surprises, and great problems to solve. I was able to conduct research on fraction learning while sharing the

Comic Book Project Updates, Commentary

Launching Big Ideas about Fractions

A teacher who loves the comic book series, The Mysterious I.D. Vide and Newton’s Nemesis, recently asked me “How would should I use it?” I wrote the series as a fun way to launch great classroom conversations about the big ideas that are foundational to understanding fraction multiplication and division. So, the question is, “What are those big ideas?”


A Resource Devoted to Fraction Division!

This morning my mother and I spent some time looking at old 5th and 6th grade textbooks to see how fraction multiplication and division has been taught over the years. We were surprised to find an impressive gap when it came to teaching fraction division. But before we left, I discovered a new resource that I am very excited about!

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