Research Studies

Research Studies

The Different Meanings of Fraction

Over the last month, I have been working with the amazing master teachers at the Columbus Regional Math Collaborative, putting a fun filled summer camp together to help boost children’s knowledge of fractions before they enter middle school. Of course, if I want to boost their knowledge of the meaning of fractions, I knew I needed to reread some of my favorite research articles and books!

Comic Book Project Updates, Research Studies

A Recipe for Fractions

If you cook, you use fractions. So why not use cooking to teach fractions? During the holidays my favorite recipes feed a small army, and when I’m cutting them in half, it always reminds me that cooking in an American kitchen uses plenty of fractions. That’s why I couldn’t resist adding a recipe to the

Research Studies

Diversity, Comic Books & Math

Thanks to Google’s search image that reminded me that this is not just another day off, I was inspired to read about diversity and comic books to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday. So with a warm cup of tea in hand, I stumbled across the work of Edel Reilly, who creatively asked her students to make

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