Number Bias – It’s a Thing!
We all know the hazards of being biased, but did you know that number bias can hamper a student’s understanding of fractions? Learn how our research subjects overcame it last summer.
We all know the hazards of being biased, but did you know that number bias can hamper a student’s understanding of fractions? Learn how our research subjects overcame it last summer.
As I was preparing a workshop for the regional NCTM conference in Indianapolis on how to use my math comic books, I discovered an error. We reassure our students, “Making a mistake means we are learning,” and yet, I struggle with internalizing such a positive outlook when my stomach churns and my imposter syndrome flares. Imagine my horror when I opened the graphic novel and realized an error snuck its way into a drawing! The math was wrong.
Last week, I joined the team at the Columbus Regional Math Collaborative to host a summer math camp to help children study fractions after a year of virtual learning. It was filled with active learning, comic book surprises, and great problems to solve. I was able to conduct research on fraction learning while sharing the
There are at least 5 different ways children think of fractions, all of which are essential for their success in math. Here’s how to use comic books to teach five fraction concepts!
Over the last month, I have been working with the amazing master teachers at the Columbus Regional Math Collaborative, putting a fun filled summer camp together to help boost children’s knowledge of fractions before they enter middle school. Of course, if I want to boost their knowledge of the meaning of fractions, I knew I needed to reread some of my favorite research articles and books!